5 Cannabis & Hemp Products For Women By Women

Article written by

Dipak HemrajMedical Cannabis Researcher
Content reviewed by

Dr. Lewis Jassey
There are a number of health problems that mostly or exclusively affect women, so it makes sense that there are a number of products available made with women in mind. Here are some of the best ones available on the market today.
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1. Aunt Zelda’s Women’s Blend Infused Olive Oil
We’ve spoken to the Founder of Aunt Zelda’s, Mara Gordon, before, and we have mentioned some of her products in a couple of our other articles as well. There’s a good reason for this, which is that Mara makes some of the best medical cannabis products on the market today. Mara takes the science and testing aspects of cannabis very seriously, which is what we’re all about here at Leafwell.
This tincture is made for women who are going through menopause, but this doesn’t mean that many others won’t find it useful for other things like cramps, strains and sprains.
Aunt Zelda’s Women’s Blend Infused Olive Oil contains 8.8mg/mL cannabidiol (CBD), 2.3mg/mL tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), .4mg/mL cannabichromene (CBC), .4mg/mL CBDA, .3mg/mL cannabigerol (CBG), .2mg/mL tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), and .1mg/mL cannabinol (CBN), and is made from a mixture of Trainwreck, Billy CBD and The Gift. This product may also be useful for improving mood.

Cultivar: Cherry Kola. Not the Women’s Blend!
2. Foria CBD Suppositories
Foria’s “weed tampons” were all over the news a few years ago, and with good reason – they were one of the world’s first mainstream cannabis-infused tampons, and are made for those who are having trouble with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). As they are made from hemp-derived CBD, they are widely available the world over.
These tampons may help treat cramps and lower back pain, and some have reported their aches and pains reducing within 20 minutes after application. These suppositories may also reduce the need for ibuprofen.

3. Mary’s Medicinals 3:2:1 (THC:CBD:CBN) Transdermal Patch
Mary’s Medicinals transdermal patch is an award-winning medicinal cannabis product from Colorado that contains 30 mg of cannabinoids: 3 parts THC (15 mg), 2 parts CBD (10 mg) and 1 part CBN (5 mg).
Stick it to your inner wrist or the top of your foot, and the transdermal patch will steadily release its cannabinoids and terpenes into your bloodstream over the course of 8 to 12 hours. A great product for those who need relief from chronic pain or insomnia.

4. Solace Leave In CBD Conditioner
Whether you have to rush to work or catch an early flight, we don’t always have the time to wash our hair in the morning. This is where leave-in conditioners come to the rescue. Plus, those who work in physically demanding and/or outdoor work may find that such products are also useful for keeping hair from getting damaged.
Moreover, due to CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties, Solace’s Leave In Conditioner may help treat dandruff, itchy scalp, eczema/psoriasis and possibly even hair loss!

5. Honeypot Products Body Lotion
The Founder of Honeypot Products, Corey Thomas, has won multiple awards for her creations, and she arguably makes some of the best cannabis- and hemp CBD-infused products around. One of her best (and most awarded) ones is the THC-rich or 1:1 CBD:THC Body Lotion, which can be used for skin ailments such as eczema, sore muscles and joints, and medicated massages! Some people like to combine the Body Lotion with the balm for a wider range of uses.
Honeypot’s honey and cannabis-infused olive oil are both great products, too, and certainly worth taking a look at if you’re seeking edible products that are more versatile than your standard cookies and cakes. For those who aren’t in California, Honeypot also has a range of hemp-CBD products that can be delivered across the border!

Honorary Mention: Papa & Barkley THC Releaf Soak (CBD:THC 1:3)
Papa & Barkley’s Releaf Soak is made with Dead Sea Salt and contains plenty of THC, making it an excellent choice for muscle soreness and sports injuries.
The high amount of THC makes this bath soak ideal for treating inflammation, sleep and mood enhancement as well. Even though you’re not ingesting it, there may (or may not) be a light psychoactive effect in a hot bath or shower! You can also use it as a body scrub prior to submerging in a bath for a more relieving experience, helping ease and relax sore & tired muscles.

Honorary Mention: Treat Yourself Hemp & Green Tea Dream Cream
If you want a hemp-based moisturizer that’s full of antioxidant properties, then Treat Yourself’s Hemp & Green Tea Dream Cream is one of the best around, and the blend of hydrosols and jojoba oil help clean the skin without stripping away moisture. A great way to remove dirt and makeup whilst providing extra nourishment for dry and mature skin.

Honorary Mention: She Don’t Know (SDK) Cookies
Quality ingredients, third-party lab tested, organic cannabis from Moto Perpetuo and available in a variety of flavors and strengths, She Don’t Know is a great choice if you’re looking for a tasty medicated edible in Oregon. Their cookies contain 50 mg THC, and they also have a balanced 1:1 THC:CBD Peanut Butter Cookie and a hemp-infused CBD cookie as well.

You may have noticed that, even though many of the above products were made with women in mind, they can all be used for a wide range of health problems and issues affecting both men and women! (With the exception of Foria’s suppositories.) Don’t be put off by the packaging – if it contains good ingredients and is well-made, use whatever cannabis-infused product that works for you!