Is CBD a Fever Reducer?

Article written by

Dipak HemrajMedical Cannabis Researcher
Content reviewed by

Dr. Lewis Jassey
Due to the lack of randomized, placebo-controlled trials, the effectiveness of CBD as a fever reducer is uncertain. Although strong anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD can help reduce a fever, early animal trials suggest that CBD won’t reduce a fever if an infection is present.
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Can CBD Reduce Fevers?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical naturally present in hemp and cannabis plants and has been used as a medicine for thousandsof years, but, as mentioned, there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding CBD and its effectiveness on fevers. While it may reduce some fevers, it may do little to help others. Ultimately, whether CBD helps a fever depends on what’s causing the fever in the first place.
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What Causes Fevers?
Fevers are caused by the immune system reacting to the presence of bacteria and viruses, such as the common cold. By raising your core body temperature above 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees C), bacteria and viruses find it harder to reproduce, allowing your immune system to fight off the infection.
Evidence for CBD as a Fever Reducer
For allergies, arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders, people often experience pain, inflammation, and fevers despite no infection being present. In this case, the body overreacts to a perceived threat when one doesn’t exist, causing symptoms such as body aches, sore throat, stuffy nose, and fevers.
When it comes to autoimmune disorders like rheumatism, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis, CBD products are effective at reducing inflammation, pain, and in some cases, fevers. CBD does not directly act on the fever, however. Instead, it suppresses the immune system, lessens inflammation, reduces chronic pain, and allows the person to rest.
Evidence Against CBD as a Fever Reducer
Animal studies have shown that although CBD helps reduce pain and inflammation, it does not affect fever when a bacterial infection is present. This may be a positive trait, as it is often unwise to suppress the immune system of someone with an infection. In this case, the body may need the fever to fight off the disease, so reducing the fever could prolong the patient’s illness.
Using CBD When You Have a Fever
Although CBD might not directly reduce fevers, it has several beneficial effects on patients with a high fever. CBD can help reduce inflammation, modulate the immune system, and protect the brain from fever damage. Studies also suggest that it may prevent some viruses from replicating.
CBD works to calm the immune system by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines signal infection to your body. By preventing cytokines from working and suppressing the manufacture of cytokine-releasing T-cells, CBD reduces migration and lowers inflammation. As cytokines are one of the methods of fever activation, this may lower fevers.
Occasionally, the human body can raise your temperature high enough that your body becomes unable to work correctly. This can lead to seizures, particularly in children. There is strong evidence that CBD can help prevent these seizures, not by lowering the body temperature but by protecting the brain. Due to this, CBD may sometimes be administered to patients with high fevers. This is not because CBD is a fever reducer but because of its neuroprotective effects.
Lastly, CBD reduces pain and allows you to relax. Proper rest is essential for overcoming an infection, and CBD helps you make you more comfortable.
Potential Health Benefits and Uses
CBD is helpful in these areas:
- Reducing inflammation
- Modulating the immune system
- Preventing fever-related seizures
- Reducing joint pain
- Assisting rest
- Some antiviral activity
Potential Risks and Side Effects
Although CBD is generally considered safe, some drug interactions may negatively affect your health. CBD and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) interact with the same receptors in the brain. This can lead to an accumulation of NSAIDs in the system and cause an accidental overdose.
For this reason, you should consult your doctor before taking both NSAIDs and CBD. CBD stays in the system for 2-5 days, so if you wish to avoid potential drug interactions, CBD must be stopped 48 hours before administering the NSAID.
CBD can also cause minor adverse side effects, such as dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, and low blood pressure. Consult your doctor before starting CBD or taking any additional painkillers, even if they’re over-the-counter medications.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can CBD replace ibuprofen?
Yes, CBD has a similar effect to ibuprofen by inhibiting the COX-2 enzyme, which helps reduce inflammation. Both are pain-killing, anti-inflammatory products that can help you feel better when you’re ill. However, CBD should be used as a replacement for ibuprofen and not alongside it, and any changes in doctor-recommended medication should be discussed with a health professional.
CBD also has the advantage of being able to be applied only to the target area. For instance, someone with arthritic hands can use a CBD hand cream instead of taking CBD oil or an ibuprofen pill.